The importance of organically-based agriculture in creating environmental friendly farming is our starting point at Buana Sari. Integrated Agricultural Systems (SIMANTRI), a breakthrough in accelerating the adoption of agricultural technology creates environmental friendly farming. We, at GAPOKTAN Bhuana Sari of Pejeng Kangin Village have established our farmlands and environment accordingly.
The Sida Bagia Mukti farmers group, implement and established as the SIMANTRI 260 to achieve zero waste, 4F produce (food, feed, fertilizer, and fuel); our primary activity is integrating livestock and crop cultivation. Green mulch is turned into animal feed, fodder reserves for the dry season; animal waste is processed into bio gas, bio urine, organic fertilizers and bio pesticides. Our farmer’s group has the goal to raise the level of food security and community welfare through these organically-based farming systems.
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