Kayun, in Balinese, means “heart” or “feeling”.
Everyone who comes in contact with us at our restaurant, of course will feel something different. The heart touches all life in the universe; created with a heart creatures feel happiness, inner peace, and generate positive energy, synergistic at all times with everything natural.
All nourishment, from the point of view of Bali Philosophy, is Healing – all natural elements have the power to move our awareness and cells toward health. Thus, nourishment powerfully interacts with both health and disease. It has always been a tradition in the Balinese kitchen, the paon (hearth) to cook with herbs and spices, grown by hand, around the healing kitchen.
First, God is said to partake and enjoy each family’s nourishment. Preparations and cooking are done with awareness, in which is a sincere heart and mind. We will at Kayun Restaurant share all this, so that day-by-day we may all be well.
Contact : +62 361 974741 / +62 81 236 26255